Sunday, 3 April 2011

It Begins

Vikki has had a great few days on her Spoon Carving course with Robin Wood.  On the first day she made some very nice tent pegs which did a good job with the strong winds we had.  I was sent out during the night to check things were in place after a couple of pegs were pulled forward and rain was blown in during the first night of strong winds.  The tent held up, despite our worries.  It really is not nice watching the pole and the chimney move around so much and hearing them creaking so loudly!

Her spoons and spatulas are very nice indeed, and she did different styles to those that I have made.
We did need a trip back to Huddersfield to pick up some things we forgot.  That was one of the reasons for starting at the Edale course, so if we forgot things it was a relatively short journey to get them.
I also forced my parents to come and visit on my dad’s birthday.  They had a terrible trip down, but had good fun with their grandchildren J
Our holiday finishes tomorrow though.  A visit to a play park and then Bletchley Park before going to our first WWOOF host, Lower Shaw farm.
Vikki and I are really looking forward to it now.  It has been so long in the planning and now it starts.  To quote my sister “Cool”!


  1. Cool indeed! Glad the tent held up. Can imagine it must have been a bit unsettling, to say the least. I've got visions of you trading it in for a Mongolian yurt after all ;-)

  2. The bell tent is perfect for travelling, but a yurt or a big tipi when we settle down! :)

  3. LOL yes, I suppose it would be just a *bit* of a hassle to be dismantling and rebuilding a yurt every week!

  4. Hope your first WWOOF goes well. I think Lower Shaw Farm was on the list - back a few (getting on for 20)years ago when our girls were small...

    Our friends have a bell tent & they work at lots of festivals - but they've never put a stove in it. Will tell them. It must be really cosy.

    We used to have a big tipi, but sold it to a community near Falmouth. We have friends who live in a yurt in Brittany & it's beautiful - complete with a French Aga & wooden floor... We would be very happy with a yurt ourselves!

    Have fun,

    Kay :)
