Monday, 27 December 2010

Busy time for all

The lead up to Christmas was even more hectic than usual.  Leaving our rented house in early march rather than the end of the month has given us a big push to sort our stuff out.

We have already sold and given away a lot of our accrued possessions in the last year, but we still have so much! 
For the last four or five years we have thought of ourselves as not being part of the consumer society, and thinking about our needs rather than wants, yet we still almost fill two houses with "stuff".

One of the things I am looking forward to next year is living without all the unnecessary things we have got used to.  We did not bring the TV to the rented house, but listen to the radio and watch the odd DVD or BBC program on iPlayer.  That was a major liberator, no longer feeling tied to the box.

With the TV around we would never have got the wooden bowls, spatulas and spoons made for Christmas presents. And Vikki would not have filled the cupboards with preserves for us and family and friends.

We spent Christmas with relatives and we quickly got drawn into old bad habits watching the TV.  Looking for something to watch instead of turning it off when the program of interest finished.

Just as bad as the Web.  It's so easy to get caught up, and suddenly I've run out of time for all the jobs I wanted to do.

I think that is why I am still so busy!

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